Frequently asked questions.

Do I need credit to buy a home?

In a general setting, you do need credit but we understand that life happens and sometimes the unfortunate circumstance may fall on you. This shouldn’t have an effect on your ability and desire to move forward. We provide owner financing on all properties which doesn’t require bank approval. We take care of the financing in-house.

Can I purchase a home using my own bank financing?

Yes! You are more than welcome to provide your own financing to purchase a home. We will work with your bank to get all documents approved and finalized.

Will my payments change throughout the life of the loan?

As with most mortgages, the payment will change year after year dependent on the property taxes and insurance expenses. Your payment may change as well if there is a repair expense that is factored back in the loan.

How long does it take to close?

From start to finish, the process is about a two-week process. We do all financing in-house (unless you provide your own bank financing).

How are my payments calculated?

Payments are calculated based on the amount of your down payment and the loan term.

Can I claim tax benefits for the property taxes paid on the home?

Because property taxes are billed to and paid entirely by the company, you cannot claim these deductions on tax returns.

Who is responsible for repairs?

Every month, part of your payment goes into an expense account that helps towards repairs and also helps to pay for a home warranty. The company will provide 10%-40% of the repair bill paid to you for any services not provided by the home warranty. A formal invoice of services must be provided to receive payment. Also, keep in mind that you can’t take out what you haven’t put in. So for example, if you have a repair bill every month, you may end up paying 100% of the bill due to there not being any funds put away to offset the bill.