
It all begins with an idea.

I am Dr. Teilian D. Wilson, of Mobile, AL. Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. I hope that on your journey you find something that sparks your interest and reach out to us. We’d love to take care of you.

I started in this business long before the business started. I knew that I wanted to leave a legacy for my family to continue but I didn’t know just how I was going to do it. I found myself watching HGTV almost everyday, fascinating how some took worthless pieces of property and made them into priceless treasures. I told myself, that’s what I want to do. I researched and research until I gained an understanding. I didn’t have a background in Real Estate. In fact, my bachelor’s degree is in Information Technology. My master’s degree is in Business and Doctorate of Management. I held all these degrees, here’s the surprise, while working at McDonald’s. Yes, that’s right. All those degrees working in fast food. I wrote a vision in my phone and prayed about it. God told me to stay right where I was and that’s just what I did. While I was there, I met some amazing people, learned great leadership, advanced my education at their expense. That was the best part. Here I am today. Owner of Delancey Properties LLC, where Kingdom Living is required.

"Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down."

-- Charles F. Kettering